Teak Flooring
3.5" & 5.5" w
$9.95/sq ft
This lot consists of approximately 5,000 square feet of our stunning finger-joined reclaimed Teak flooring. This flooring comes in a traditional finish-in-place format and creates a showcase Teak hardwood floor. This is a rare opportunity to include the timeless beauty and durability of reclaimed Teak in your project at an unbeatable price.
Our Reclaimed Teak flooring is manufactured from SE Asian Teak that is salvaged from old structures such as traditional houses, warehouses, factories and other industrial infrastructure. It may seem counterintuitive to those of us in the West that Teak would be used in such utilitarian applications but they used what they had available and what they had was often Teak. The legendary durability of Teak assures that beams and planks salvaged from turn of the last century structures retain all of the original beauty and integrity of this amazing wood.
We utilize our extensive network of suppliers and manufacturers to produce a stunning ready to install, sand and finish in place hardwood floor. We carefully remove all the metal fasteners from the raw materials before sawing it into standard thicknesses and widths for flooring. The blanks are then kiln dried to a consistent 6-8 % moisture content before the final milling process. All voids and character marks are filled with a matching color epoxy or patch and the flooring is then milled to 5/8" thick x 6'lengths, tongue and groove, back relieved, end-matched and sanded to 180 grit. Each 6' length will contain between 1 and 3 pieces with up to 2 finger joints. This particular shipment contains both 3 1/2" and 5 1/2" widths in equal linear foot quantities so that it can be installed as a mixed width floor.
Rose Mix Flooring
5.5" w
$8.00/sq ft
This lot consists of approximately 1600 square feet of our distinctive reclaimed Rose Mix flooring. This floor is a gorgeous mix of pink, red and rose hues. It's a mixed species tropical hardwood floor comprised primarily of a blend of Rosewood (pterocarpus indicus) and Ironwood (xylia xylocarpus). These woods are prized for fine Asian furniture and cabinetry.
Our Rose Mix flooring is one of the all time favorites. Originally produced from reclaimed tropical hardwood railroad ties, we now find the some woods in other structures in SE Asia. Mine shoring timbers, utility poles, industrial building and warehouses are all sources of the two primary species in this mix. The resulting floor is distinctive and evokes all of the mystique of the rosewoods of the far East. We utilize our extensive network of suppliers and manufacturers to produce a stunning ready to install, sand and finish in place hardwood floor.
We carefully remove all the metal fasteners from the raw materials before sawing it into standard thicknesses and widths for flooring. The blanks are then kiln dried to a consistent 6-8 % moisture content before the final milling process. All voids and character marks are filled with a matching color epoxy or patch and the flooring is then milled to 5/8" thick x 6'lengths, tongue and groove, back relieved, end-matched and sanded to 180 grit. Each 6' length will contain between 1 and 3 pieces with up to 2 finger joints. This particular shipment contains both 3 1/2" and 5 1/2" widths in equal linear foot quantities so that it can be installed as a mixed width floor.
Douglas Fir Lumber
4"x12" w 8-10' l
$4.50/board ft
This lot is a special batch of reclaimed Douglas Fir with a very unique history. It consists of 1200 board feet of dense, clear, vertical grain 4" x 12" beams in the following lengths: 3/8' 12/9' 17/10'. It is suitable for structural use or as excellent stock for remanufacturing. Doug Fir of this quality is very difficult to find these days, especially in such large pieces.
This very special batch of Reclaimed Douglas Fir was originally used as the grand staircase in the Espirit d'Corps headquarters in San Francisco. It was salvaged in 2007 and has been in dry storage for the past decade. We have decided that it is time for it to go to a new home. It consists of 1200 board feet of very dense, clear, vertical grain 4" x 12" beams in the following lengths: 3/8' 12/9' 17/10'. It is suitable for structural use or as excellent stock for remanufacturing. Douglas Fir of this quality is very difficult to find these days, especially in such large pieces